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For someone like me who is used to living in Beiping, a winter without any wind is a bit of a miracle. Well, one never hears any whistling winter winds in Ji'nan. For someone like me who has just returned from London, sunshine in the winter seems quite unusual. Well, Ji'nan has bright sunny winter weather. I know that in tropical regions, the blazing sun and the perpetual harsh glare can be intimidating, but here in north China, a mild sunny winter season is a boon that makes Ji'nan a very special place indeed.
But there is more than just sunshine. Close your eyes and picture to yourself: an ancient town, with mountains and lakes, dozing in the sunlight, warm and comfortable, waiting for the spring breezes to blow it awake. Doesn't that sound idyllic. Low hills practically encircle Ji'nan, leaving just one small dip on the north side. In the winter, they are especially endearing, as if cradling the town and murmuring to it. “Don't worry, it's warm and safe here.” And it's a fact that the people of Ji'nan seem to smile throughout the cold season. All they have to do is to see those hills to feel secure and protected. Looking up and around, they say to themselves. “Maybe spring will come tomorrow. It's so mild, maybe tonight the grass on the hills will sprout.” And even if this is just daydreaming, they don't really mind, because with this kindly winter why wish for more?
设若单单是有阳光,那也算不了出奇。请闭上眼睛想:一个老城,有山有水,全在天底下晒着阳光,暖和安适地睡着,只等春风来把它们唤醒,这是不是个理想的境界小山整把济南围了个圈儿,只有北边缺着点口儿。这一圈小山在冬天特别可爱,好像是把济南放在一个小摇篮里,它们安静不动地低声地说:“你们放心吧,这儿准保暖和。”真的,济南的人们在冬天是面上含笑的。他们一看那些小山,心中便觉得有了着落,有了依靠。他们由天上看到山上,便不知不觉地想起:“明天也许就是春天了吧这样的温暖,今天夜里山草也许就绿起来了吧” 就是这点幻想不能一时实现,他们也并不着急,因为这样慈善的冬天,干什么还希望别的呢!
Ji'nan is an ancient town with cramped and narrow streets, but surrounded by wide open spaces. Villages dot the slopes, their cottage roofs dusted with snow. Oh yes, this is a traditional ink and wash painting and probably one by a Tang Dynasty master too.
As for the lakes and ponds, they don't freeze over, but even give off wisps of warm vapour. The water weeds remain bright green as if showing off colour stored up over the year, and the clearer the weather the greener they glow. Anyway, how can the water freeze over when all those weeping willows want to see their reflections? As you raise your eyes slowly from the transparent depths and look up gradually to the sky, everything is so clear and bright and blue, like a giant hollow block of crystal, in which are encased red roofs, tan hills and little copses, like the design on a carpet. This is Ji'nan in the winter.